This is the website of the research project AutoNOMOS Labs!



NEWS: We were in Mexico and have been driving autonomously for 2400 km from the Arizona border to Mexico City. Photos and videos can be downloaded here.

The Autonomos-Team on its 2400 km journey from the U.S.-Mexican border to Mexico City

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Feel free to download all photos (30 MB) and all videos (1.8 GB).

Being part of the Intelligent Systems and Robotics group of Professor Dr. Raúl Rojas at Freie Universität Berlin, our passion is developing driverless cars of the future.

The AutoNOMOS software is a modular system for the operation of autonomous or semi-autonomous cars. Using AutoNOMOS, it is be possible to detect impending dangers on roads, highways, and crossings (lane change, traffic jams, rights of way) at an early stage and accidents can be prevented. Once the technology is ready, it will be introduced at first on private property and, finally, in public traffic. The project will make a significant contribution to the development of accident-free, efficient, and environmentally friendly mobility.

The project was founded in 2006 by Prof. Dr. Raúl Rojas and his students. We have two prototype cars, MadeInGermany and the electric car e-Instein. MadeInGermany successfully drives autonomously in the streets of Berlin since 2011. The project was funded by BMBF (the Ministry of Education and Research) from 2009 until 2011.

[singlepic id=373 w=150 float=right]You can find answers to frequently asked questions in the FAQ section or in this pdf document (in German).